Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

Teenagers' Point of View (Final Draft)

      This report presents the summary of what Indonesian teenagers think about their country. The approach accomplished by asking five of my friends and the questions are about culture, film industry  Indonesia.  

  • Culture in Indonesia

         Indonesian culture is well-known of its varieties and authenticity. There are many astonishing cultures in Indonesia. All of five friends that i've asked, said that they are very proud of Indonesian culture. Unfortunately, Indonesian culture is lack of attention. Two out of five said that to make indonesian culture known is by making program to promote Indonesian culture to the world and to make people interest to Indonesian culture. Three out of five answered to preserve the Indonesian culture is by studied the culture such as traditional dance, sinden, etc. Another way to inherit our culture is by teaching others about Indonesian culture.

  • Film Industry in Indonesia

Nowadays, most of teenagers like watching movies. Whether at the cinema, watch dvd's or simply watch television. All of five friends said that the film industry in Indonesia has a poor quality. Recently, the government made a limitation of imported films, and all of them disagree with this policy, because with its policy there's no quality movie to be watched. Of course not all of Indonesian movies are that bad. Most of Indonesian films itself gives us nothing but improper general views.  So, they like to see more foreign movies instead of Indonesian movies. 

      The conclusion of this report are, teenagers in Indonesia proud of their culture. And all of them prefer to watch foreign movies than domestic movies. 


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